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    A site built with care: up-to-date news, archives, excellent links, support groups, chat rooms, an events page, a bulletin board of helpful items for sale or barter, contests, links to personal homepages, even "fibro-friendly" recipes - it's all here.
    A survivors' club. It's personal and optimistic, with a sense of humor. Has all the standard medical info, a book list, and a guest book where you can reply to the entries.
A wonderful resource for information about many issues that will be very beneficial for men and women concerning most forms of fatigue, fibromyalgia etc:
    Different kinds of support groups (including for teens and loved ones). Along with stories and poems, this site has considerable medical information and good articles about fibromyalgia. Excellent links and bookstore. Encouraging words from the creators are a plus.
    Has detailed symptom explanations not found on most sites. Nice extras, such as a scale for measuring pain. There's quick access to an online support group and fibromyalgia books sold by This site also covers chronic myofascial pain syndrome (MPS).
    Has many features: mailing list, chats, penpals, books, and a handy link to search for doctors. Also has lots of ads. The articles and links are decent, but medical information is thin. Member of WebRing, a useful navigational tool for tying together related websites (here, of course, fibromyalgia sites).
    Emphasis on treatment in Canada. Has all the basics: info, articles, links, mailing list, a support group. Not found on other sites is a list of speakers. Basic information also in French.
    The site is a little confusing. Articles are new, which not every site can boast of, and there are links for conferences and advocacy. There's also a list of doctors, but it seems to be incomplete This site has resources for chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple chemical sensitivity, and Gulf War syndrome, as well as fibromyalgia.
    Good information, but not up to date. For both fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
    Has German- and Turkish-language information. It's in English, too, but for English speakers there are many alternative sites.
    Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) are both covered here. One of the best sets of medical articles is here, as well as links to products and treatments you can purchase from Cartoons lighten the mood. The design sometimes deters swift navigation.
    Arthritis Web Site gave this their seal of approval. As the website of an institution, this site contains a mission statement, grant applications and a list of projects being funded. Best to go elsewhere for medical information and links.
    There is information in Spanish. Audiotapes available. You can also join and receive a newsletter. This site could be useful if you live in the Washington area.
    More oriented to disability links than fibromyalgia patients.
    A personal homepage with a focus on alternative medicine. Part of the site under construction, so the jury is out. It may be most helpful for sufferers of vulvodynia.
    This is a personal homepage, and headquarters of a support group in Iowa. There is a good list of support groups in each state, too. There are pop-up ads every time you go to a new page.
    Bottom line: similar to other sites that provide more information.
    For both fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Very well organized, but largely consists of information for sale. Run by Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, a physician who specializes in holistic medicine.
    Lots on the exercise and diet program that the site-creator follows. Not much medical information, however.
    Part of Health World Online, hence not dedicated strictly to fibromyalgia. A few good articles. Much better as an all-around medical site.